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Monday, July 2, 2012

Cool Ties...Neck coolers

I make things (from time to time) for a project called the ships project. They send things to sailors and soldiers all over the world. In these hot months the need is for neck coolers, or Cool ties. I was gearing up to make several for this months shipping deadline of July 5..... when an acquaintance of mine said "could I have 36 to send to Greg for his men?"... I did not even know she had relatives in the military! How could I say no?..... so off to the store for 3 more yards of cotton cloth (tan).... oh, and by the way.... can you have them ready for Monday?
So set up the home "sweat shop" and get cranking!!  sorry, no photos of construction. I was under the pressure of a deadline!

Cool ties... at least 36 of them.

A little order please!

All neatly folded, with their care tags taped on. Final count.... 39!

Now I think I will go back to working on a quilt for someone?????

I always make such a mess when I am planning a scraps quilt!

But when it works out, it is worth the mess and the effort!